Additional voting information can be found at My Vote Wisconsin ( Here you will find where to vote, how to register to vote, who is on the ballot and info about your municipal clerk. You’ll also find the dates of the next election, a list of your elected officials by address and more. If you have legally changed your name, then you will need to update your voter record by submitting a new voter registration. If you have moved to a new address, then you will need to update your voter record by submitting a new voter registration. To get started, search for your voter record at
Sampson Town Hall
10770 270th Ave New Auburn WI 54757
Please call for an appointment if voting in person.
2025 Elections dates:
Spring Election Tuesday, April 1st, 2025
Polls open from 7:00 AM to 8:00 P.M.
County-wide election results can be viewed by going to Chippewa County Courthouse and then link to Elections.