04/16/2024 Annual Meeting




TUESDAY, 16 APRIL 2024 6:30 P.M.





Call the Annual Meeting of the Town of Sampson, Chippewa County to order under the authority and directions of Sec. 60.11 of the Wisconsin Statutes.


Stand for the Pledge of Allegiance


Ask if all present have signed the poll list.  Ask if there are any non-residents present.  (Only electors in the Town of Sampson can vote on any motions.  Electors are defined as people who claim Sampson as their primary residence and have resided in the Township for at least 10 days.)


All motions and seconds must come from the floor.


Agenda items:


Copies of the 2023 annual meeting minutes were made available to those in attendance. Discussion.  Motion to approve minutes 1st______________________________2nd_________________________


Copies of the 2023 Annual Report were made available to those in attendance.  Board Members and Clerk/Treasurer to answer any questions.  Call for a motion to approve the 2023 Annual Report.



Call for a motion to authorize the Board to borrow money should it become necessary.



Call for a motion to set a date for the 2024 Annual Meeting.  The third Tuesday is April 15th 2025.  The Annual meeting can be held within 10 days of this date.



Other agenda items:


Discussion of 2023 Town Highlights.


Call for a motion to adjourn the annual meeting.
