05/13/2024 Agenda


Town of Sampson Agenda for Regular Meeting
Monday, May 13th, 2023, 6:00 pm
10770 270th Ave New Auburn WI

1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Roll Call
4. Approval of Agenda
5. Public Input – (Limited to 5 minutes per person)
6. Approve Minutes of April 8th regular meeting and the April 26th Special Meeting
7. Financial Report
8. Treasurer’s Report
9. Set Date for Next Meeting
10. Reports
a. Clerk/Treasurer report
b. Road patrolman report
c. Fire Report
11. Old Business
a. Discussion and possible action on 2024 road work
b. Discussion and possible action on equipment purchase, repair, and replacement
c. Discussion and possible action on Woodburning Facility
d. Discussion and possible action on Twin Lakes cemetery and Tillinghast cemetery
e. Discussion and possible action on Resolution to petition to open County Highway M for ATV/UTVs
f. Discussion and possible action on New Auburn Fire Dept
g. Levy limit discussion
h. Discussion and possible action on approving operator’s license
12. New Business
a. Discussion and possible action on accepting road bids
b. Discussion and possible action on ski permit
c. Discussion and possible action on unemployment insurance
d. Bloomer Ambulance and Recycling Report
e. Discussion and possible action on setting date for road inspection and future road work
f. Discussion and possible action on maintenance of private roads
g. Discussion and possible action on hiring part-time patrolperson
13. Other Administrative Matters
a. Next Meeting Agenda Items
b. Authorize Payment of Bills
14. Adjournment
**Discussion and Action may occur on any agenda items listed

Contact Chairperson Butterfield at 715-933-0655