08/21/2024 Special Meeting


Town of Sampson Agenda for Special Meeting
Wednesday, August 21st, 2024, 9:00 am
10770 270th Ave New Auburn WI

1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Discussion and possible action on 2025 road projects and other budget items

4. Discussion and possible action on appointing a New Auburn Fire Board alternate.
5. Adjournment
**Discussion and Action may occur on any agenda items listed

Contact Chairperson Butterfield at 715-933-0655

08/12/2024 Regular Meeting


Town of Sampson Agenda for Regular Meeting
Monday, August 12th, 2024, 6:00 pm
10770 270th Ave New Auburn WI

1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Roll Call
4. Approval of Agenda
5. Public Input – (Limited to 5 minutes per person)
6. Approve Minutes of July 8th Regular Meeting
7. Financial Report
8. Treasurer’s Report
9. Set Date for Next Meeting
10. Reports
a. Clerk/Treasurer report
b. Road patrolman report
c. Fire Report
11. Old Business
a. Discussion and possible action on levy limit
b. Discussion and possible action on Sampson entrance signs
c. Discussion and possible action on dry hydrant repairs
12. New Business
a. Discussion and possible action on approving operator’s licenses
b. Set date for road inspection and discuss 2025 road work
c. Discussion and possible action on putting up additional speed signs
d. Discussion and possible action on New Auburn Fire Department billing process
e. Discussion and possible action on Chippewa County Emergency Operation’s Plan
13. Other Administrative Matters
a. Next Meeting Agenda Items
b. Authorize Payment of Bills
14. Adjournment
**Discussion and Action may occur on any agenda items listed
**At the conclusion of the meeting, the hall will be set up for the August primary so a board quorum may be present.

Contact Chairperson Butterfield at 715-933-0655

07/23/2024 Special Meeting


Town of Sampson Agenda for Regular Meeting

Monday, July 23rd, 2024, 8:00 am

10770 270th Ave New Auburn WI

  1. Call to Order
  2. Roll Call
  3. New Business
  4. The board will consider convening into closed session pursuant to Wisconsin Statute 19.85 (1)(c) for purposes of considering employment, promotion, compensation, or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility. Part-time pay.
  5. Reconvene into open session and act on any items discussed in closed session.
  6. Adjournment

**Discussion and Action may occur on any agenda items listed


Contact Chairperson Butterfield at 715-933-0655

07/08/2024 Regular Meeting


Town of Sampson Agenda for Regular Meeting

Monday, July 8th, 2024, 6:00 pm

10770 270th Ave New Auburn WI

  1. Call to Order
  2. Pledge of Allegiance
  3. Roll Call
  4. Approval of Agenda
  5. Public Input – (Limited to 5 minutes per person)
  6. Approve Minutes of June 10th Regular Meeting
  7. Financial Report
  8. Treasurer’s Report
  9. Set Date for Next Meeting
  10. Reports
  11. Clerk/Treasurer report
  12. Road patrolman report
  13. Fire Report
  14. Old Business
  15. Discussion and possible action on New Auburn Fire Dept
  16. Discussion and possible action on levy limit
  17. New Business
  18. The board will consider convening into closed session pursuant to Wisconsin Statute 19.85 (1)(c) for purposes of considering employment, promotion, compensation, or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility.
  19. Reconvene into open session and act on any items discussed in closed session.
  20. Other Administrative Matters
  21. Next Meeting Agenda Items
  22. Authorize Payment of Bills
  23. Adjournment

**Discussion and Action may occur on any agenda items listed


Contact Chairperson Butterfield at 715-933-0655

06/10/2024 Regular Meeting



Town of Sampson Agenda for Regular Meeting
Monday, June 10th, 2024, 6:00 pm
10770 270th Ave New Auburn WI

1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Roll Call
4. Approval of Agenda
5. Public Input – (Limited to 5 minutes per person)
6. Approve Minutes of May 13th Regular Meeting
7. Financial Report
8. Treasurer’s Report
9. Set Date for Next Meeting
10. Reports
a. Clerk/Treasurer report
b. Road patrolman report
c. Fire Report
11. Old Business
a. Discussion and possible action on New Auburn Fire Dept
b. Discussion and possible action on levy limit
12. New Business
a. Discussion and possible action on New Auburn fire department dry hydrants
b. Discussion and possible action on 2025 road work
c. Discussion and possible action on liquor licenses
d. Discussion and possible action on cigarette licenses
e. Discussion and possible action on operator’s licenses
13. Other Administrative Matters
a. Next Meeting Agenda Items
b. Authorize Payment of Bills
14. Adjournment
**Discussion and Action may occur on any agenda items listed

Contact Chairperson Butterfield at 715-933-0655

05/13/2024 Agenda


Town of Sampson Agenda for Regular Meeting
Monday, May 13th, 2023, 6:00 pm
10770 270th Ave New Auburn WI

1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Roll Call
4. Approval of Agenda
5. Public Input – (Limited to 5 minutes per person)
6. Approve Minutes of April 8th regular meeting and the April 26th Special Meeting
7. Financial Report
8. Treasurer’s Report
9. Set Date for Next Meeting
10. Reports
a. Clerk/Treasurer report
b. Road patrolman report
c. Fire Report
11. Old Business
a. Discussion and possible action on 2024 road work
b. Discussion and possible action on equipment purchase, repair, and replacement
c. Discussion and possible action on Woodburning Facility
d. Discussion and possible action on Twin Lakes cemetery and Tillinghast cemetery
e. Discussion and possible action on Resolution to petition to open County Highway M for ATV/UTVs
f. Discussion and possible action on New Auburn Fire Dept
g. Levy limit discussion
h. Discussion and possible action on approving operator’s license
12. New Business
a. Discussion and possible action on accepting road bids
b. Discussion and possible action on ski permit
c. Discussion and possible action on unemployment insurance
d. Bloomer Ambulance and Recycling Report
e. Discussion and possible action on setting date for road inspection and future road work
f. Discussion and possible action on maintenance of private roads
g. Discussion and possible action on hiring part-time patrolperson
13. Other Administrative Matters
a. Next Meeting Agenda Items
b. Authorize Payment of Bills
14. Adjournment
**Discussion and Action may occur on any agenda items listed

Contact Chairperson Butterfield at 715-933-0655

04/16/2024 Annual Meeting Minutes

2024 Annual Meeting Minutes 

The annual meeting for the Town of Sampson, Chippewa County was held at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, April 16, 2024, at the Sampson Town Hall located at 10770 270th Ave, New Auburn. Twenty-three (23) Sampson electors were present – plus guests. Names filed in clerk/treasurer’s office.

1. Meeting called to order by Chairperson Darla Butterfield at 6:30 pm.
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Discuss and vote on preferred voting method: Motion by Joel Brodd second by Jeremy Cowell to vote by hand. Motion carried with unanimous yes vote – 23 – yes; 0 – no.
4. Election of meeting chairperson: Motion by Joel Brodd second by Karie Butterfield to appoint Kevin Haller as meeting chairperson. Motion by Bill Perry second by Jeremy Cowell to appoint Jon Pederson as meeting chairperson. Hand vote for Kevin Haller – Yes – 18; No – 5. Motion carried to appoint Kevin Haller. Three electors left the meeting.

Agenda Items:
1. Copies of the 2023 annual meeting minutes were made available to those in attendance. Motion by Jan Whitman to approve the 2023 annual meeting minutes. Second by Karie Butterfield. Motion carried with unanimous yes vote – 20 – yes; 0 – no.
2. Copies of the audited 2023 Annual Report were made available to those in attendance. The Clerk/Treasurer answered questions from the audience. Motion by Karie Butterfield to approve the 2023 Annual Report. Second by John Scheppke. Motion carried with unanimous yes vote – 20 – yes; 0 – no.
3. There was a discussion on authorizing the Board the ability to borrow money. Motion by Joel Brodd to close the discussion. Second by Sue Edstrom. Motion carried with unanimous yes vote – 20 – yes; 0 – no.
Motion by Bill Perry to authorize the Board to borrow money should it become necessary. Second by Joel Brodd. Motion carried, yes vote – 18 – yes; 2 – no.
4. Motion by Jim Harvey to set a date for the 2025 Annual Meeting of the third Tuesday is April 15th, 2025. Second by John Scheppke. Motion carried with unanimous yes vote – 20 – yes; 0 – no.

Other Agenda Items:
1. Clerk/Treasurer Cody discussed the 2023 projects and the upcoming 2024 projects. In 2023, the Board purchased a loader backhoe and a lawnmower and trailer. In 2024, the Board plans on chip sealing 1.8 miles on 117th St north of Hwy 40. Also, the Board plans on paving ½ mile of 80th St and utilizing TRIPP/LRIP funds to help offset the costs. The Board has purchased a woodchipper and is ordering a new box for the freightliner plow truck.
2. Richard Smith spoke about the 2023 caucus and that it was not conducted correctly and that the town per statutes can utilize nomination papers instead if passed at an elector’s meeting. After discussions of the pros and cons, Richard Smith made a motion to have the method of nomination forms and signatures in the place of a caucus on the November 2024 town electors meeting agenda. Second by Jeremy Cowell. Motion carried with unanimous yes vote – 20 – yes; 0 – no.
3. Many audience members had numerous questions regarding the New Auburn fire department. The Board answered questions regarding finances and how it affects the town’s budget. A handout was available that shows the New Auburn fire department’s budget, financial report, membership dues, and Sampson’s historical dues. Supervisor Christenson spoke as a citizen and not as a board member or fire representative and stated that the township cannot withdrawal from the fire department at this time because it is against state statute not to have fire protection. The township has an ability to charge a fee to landowners for fire protection. The town must give a one-year notice to withdrawal from the New Auburn fire department. The Town of Sampson signed an agreement ensuring it would not withdrawal before February 2027 when the new fire department building was built. If it would withdrawal prior, it would not receive any ownership shares. The ownership shares would include the depreciated value of equipment purchased during the time the township entered into agreement with the fire department. Supervisor Christenson is hoping to negotiate with the fire department, so the township can fund road maintenance and projects for the township along with paying dues to the fire department. The township is open to hearing solutions from the community.
4. Motion by Mike Kellen to include an agenda item to propose increasing the levy in November’s town meeting of electors. Second by Jon Pederson. Motion carried with unanimous yes vote – 20 – yes; 0 – no.
5. Motion by John Scheppke to adjourn the meeting at 8:08 pm. Seconded by Karie Butterfield. Motion carried with unanimous yes vote – 20 – yes; 0 – no.

Louise Cody
Town of Sampson, Chippewa County

04/22/2024 Special Meeting


Town of Sampson Agenda for Special Meeting
Monday, April 22nd, 2023, 9:00 am
10770 270th Ave New Auburn WI

1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Approval of Agenda
4. The board will consider convening into closed session pursuant to Wisconsin Statute 19.85 (1)(c) for purposes of considering employment, promotion, compensation, or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility. Part-time employment
5. Reconvene into open session

6. Discussion and possible action on posting bids for gravel on 80th St.
7. Adjournment
**Discussion and Action may occur on any agenda items listed

Contact Chairman Butterfield at 715-933-0655